Showing results 1 - 25 of 1621
Green Building Workforce Webinar 11.21.24 - Full Presentation
BECP Embodied Carbon Webinar Presentation 10-17-24
Sample Request for Proposals for Field Data Collection Services (Colorado, Nevada)
Sample Request for Proposals (RFP) for field data collection services in Nevada and Colorado from the National Association of State Energy Code Officials (NASEO).
Sample Recruitment Rack Card (South Carolina)
Sample recruitment rack card for a residential energy code field study in South Carolina.
Sample Recruitment Letter to Code Officials (Pennsylvania)
Sample letter from Performance Systems Development (Pennsylvania) asking code officials to voluntarily help complete a residential energy code field study.
Sample Recruitment Letter to Builders (Pennsylvania)
Sample letter from the Penn Residential Energy Codes Initiative to builders regarding homes selected to participate in residential energy efficiency field study.
Sample Recruitment Letter to Jurisdictions and Builders (Kentucky)
Sample letter from the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Housing Building and Construction asking jurisdictions and code officials to voluntarily help complete a residential energy code field study.
Sample Recruitment Letter to Code Officials (Alabama)
Sample letter from Alabama asking code officials to voluntarily help complete a residential energy code field study.
Sample Recruitment Letter to Code Officials and Builders (Alabama)
Sample letter from Alabama asking code officials and builders to voluntarily help complete a residential energy code field study.
Sample Recruitment Flyer - (South Carolina)
Sample recruitment flyer from the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA) for a residential energy field study in South Carolina.
Sample Recruitment Flyer - (New Mexico)
Sample recruitment flyer from the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) for a residential energy field study in New Mexico.
Sample Recruitment Flyer - (Iowa)
Sample recruitment flyer for a residential field study in Iowa from the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA).
Sample Digital/Social Media Ads (Minnesota)
Sample Digital/Social Media Ads from Minnesota to recruit homes for an energy research study.
Sample Press Release (Kentucky)
Sample press release from the Commonwealth of Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet announcing a grant to improve energy code compliance in the state.
Builder Call Script (Pennsylvania)
Sample Phone Script from Pennsylvania for calling builders to schedule an inspection by energy experts.
Phone Script - Jurisdictions (Alabama)
Sample Phone Script, from Alabama to jurisdictions, requesting access to permit information of new residential homes from foundation to final.
Phone Script - Builders (Alabama)
Sample Phone Script from Alabama for calling Builders to request permission to collect data on site.
Sample Field Study Representative Badge
Sample Badge with QR code for Field Study Representatives
Sample FOIA Request (Alabama)
Sample Freedom of Information Act request letter from the National Freedom of Information Coalition in Alabama.
Sample Request for Proposal (Kentucky)
Sample Residential Energy Code Compliance Evaluation request for proposal (RFP) from the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance and Kentucky Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction.
Complete Single-Family Residential Field Study Toolkit (ZIP file)
This file contains all of the Sample Kickoff and Recruitment Materials, as well as the checklists, templates and guides.
NOTE: All files included in this zip file are also available for download individually.
Single-Family Residential Field Study Sample Recruitment Materials (ZIP file)
Sample Recruitment Materials include:
- Alabama Sample FOIA Request
- Georgia Field Study Representative Badge Sample
- Alabama Phone Script (Builders)
- Alabama Phone Script (Jurisdictions)
- Pennsylvania Phone Script (Builders)
- Sample Kentucky Press Release
- Sample Digital Ads
- Sample Idaho Email Text (Code Officials)
- Recruitment Flyers for Iowa, New Mexico, and South Carolina
- Recruitment Letters to Code Officials, Builders and/or Jursidictions for Alabama, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania
- South Carolina Recruitment Rack Card
- Colorado and Nevada Request for Proposals for Field Data Collection Services
- Kentucky Request for Proposals for Residential Energy Code Compliance Evaluation
NOTE: These files are also available for download individually.
Single-Family Residential Field Study Sample Kickoff Materials (ZIP file)
Sample Kickoff Materials include Kickoff Meeting Presentations for Alabama, Arizona, Idaho TAG, Idaho, Iowa, and Utah. A Stakeholder Kickoff Draft Agenda for Alabama is also included.
NOTE: These files are also available for download individually.